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Mariel Fiori, La Voz Managing Editor
Mariel Fiori, La Voz Managing Editor

On Local News

Por Mariel Fiori
August 2024
This month in La Voz, we present an issue filled with current events and information.

The Hudson Valley continues to struggle with the opioid epidemic. Sullivan County has one of the highest overdose death rates in New York State. Many people's gateway to addiction often begins with a medical prescription for opioids to alleviate pain. While these medications can benefit patients, there are inherent risks including unintentional overdoses, substance use disorder, and negative societal impacts. State and federal laws are being implemented to improve monitoring and control of prescribed opioid medications. In August's cover story, Nohan Meza, the magazine's general coordinator and editor, writes about the crisis's impact on our area, how it affects the Hispanic population, and the resources available in counties where La Voz is distributed.

According to data from the Housing Justice for All Coalition, there are 78,000 homeless individuals and 227,000 residential eviction filings in New York State in 2023. The Good Cause Eviction law protects tenants from unreasonable rent increases and discriminatory or retaliatory evictions. When a lease expires for most apartments or houses in New York, landlords can choose not to renew it for any reason and increase rent as much as they wish. Consequently, landlords can evict tenants even for unjust reasons such as retaliation for expressing concerns about housing conditions and raised rent. There are increasing reports of rent hikes up to 30%, 50%, or even 100%. For many working families, such increases practically result in eviction. Sebastián Barreto, a contributor to La Voz and a recent graduate of Bard College, writes this month about the implementation of this new law in some cities in the Hudson Valley.

Many readers may recall articles published in La Voz and other local and national media about the Bard Prison Initiative, BPI. Since 2001, BPI has created opportunities to significantly expand access to higher education inside and outside prisons, typically excluded from the higher education system. BPI operates in seven New York prisons with over 400 incarcerated students who upon completion of their programs receive Bard College degrees. A similar program focused on social reintegration and cultivating incarcerated individuals is Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA), which began at Sing Sing prison in 1996 and now operates in eight New York correctional facilities, offering theater, dance, music, painting, and writing to incarcerated individuals. Elizabeth Liotta, a writer for La Voz and a recent Bard graduate, writes this month about RTA and its recently released film, Sing Sing.

For those seeking employment in the United States, we have an interview with a professional who coaches students on finding their first job, Jovanny Suriel, who reflects on the advantages and challenges faced by Hispanics in the job market. Thanks to Andrés Pérez Rangel, a Bard student and La Voz writer, for this informative interview in the resources section. Other resources featured this month include an article on what to do in case of a shooting, how to avoid immigration scams, and the monthly resource guide with various local announcements and activities, including several job opportunities.

Additionally, in her column The Arts Corner (la esquina de las artes) independent curator Elisa Pritzker introduces us to painter, guitarist, and composer Katherine Rey Samels, of Mexican descent. In The Power of Love (el poder del amor), holistic psychologist Dora Inés Grosso García writes about the power of convictions. And in Parenting (ser padres), teacher Olga Maritza Salazar reminds us of the importance of visiting the optometrist with our children before the new academic year begins.

This is a magazine made with much love and effort. Now it's your turn to read it, share it, and comment! At La Voz, we want to hear from you. If you have suggestions, opinions, comments, current news, or texts to share, La Voz offers you the space. Write to us at [email protected], and make your voice heard!

Mariel Fiori
Managing Editor

*Translated from Spanish by Karen Ruiz Leónback to top

La Voz, Cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle de Hudson



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