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Goodbye 2022

Por Mariel Fiori
December 2022
Nice number this year. A year that gave us back optimistic and positive hope, but with a strong touch of realism. It seems to me that we are better planted on this earth, that we understand better how everything has to do with everything. That this COVID-19 pandemic that began in March 2020 (or in October 2019?) and has already taken the life of fifteen million people around the world, and more than one million in the United States, marked a definitive before and after. It seems that in 2022 we learned to live with the virus, and that lowered our anxiety a bit.

And despite all the problems, losses, and worries, I feel positive and realistic hope. The electoral results made me understand that we voters care about democracy, that you don't play with the system. The Constition reminds us that “Nobody is above the law”, and we voters agreed. That hope that we have much more in common than what we are told, because we know that "divide and conquer" is an old and effective trick. The rights of women to rule over their own bodies were also endorsed in the electoral contest in many parts of the country. Something that seemed obvious to us, turned out to be. Who makes the predictions and polls? For what purpose?

This month in La Voz, Hudson Valley Hispanic Cultures and News, we say goodbye to the year by valuing our cultures and learning from the ones we find here. The teacher and student of the ancestral cultures of Anahuac, Anita Campion, in an interview with the teacher and writer Gabriela Avila, tells her way to heal from cultural amnesia. This healing through culture brought her a sense of self-assurance and a need to serve others.

And is it useful for immigrants to safeguard our cultures? Yes, of course. Anthropology professor Martha Tepepa explores the importance of biculturalism as opposed to assimilation in the opinion section. Leaving the theoretical framework and entering the practice of living here for a year or twenty, two students from Bard College (immigrants themselves) set out to find out about immigrant nostalgia. In these times of shorter days, festivities, and family gatherings, Waleska and Nayeli also miss their families who stayed in other countries. In their article on the central page of the Usos y costumbres section, they present us with the testimonies of four immigrants, how they live and overcome their nostalgia. Is it necessary to overcome it? That's what you, the readers, will tell me.

Speaking of short days, the lack of light can bring us the seasonal affective disorder of autumn and winter, which, according to the holistic psychologist Dora Inés Grosso García, can be prevented with love, and she explains it a little more in her section. Have you guessed which one? El poder del amor (The power of love). The end-of-the-year celebrations are a good opportunity to teach our children about the traditions of our roots and incorporate some new ones, teacher Olga Salazar instructs us in the section Ser padres (Being parents) this month. There are lots of great tips and ideas on every page of the magazine, and in Ser padres we even have a Christmas tree made from recycled materials.

This month the Medio Ambiente (Environmental) column also returns to La Voz, a page that for more than a decade we have been dedicating to learning about the problems and solutions that afflict our beloved Mother Earth (the only home we currently have). In December, Nohan Meza, coordinator of La Voz and a student of the MBA in sustainability at Bard, analyzes the result of the negotiations of the recent world climate meeting in Egypt, COP 27. While in the upper echelons of power they tell us they continue working to stop the biological catastrophe that includes us, we know and understand that saving the planet is also in our hands, appealing to ancestral knowledge and new technologies. We have the tools and the urgency, and the need as well. This is what we wanted to reflect on the cover of the December issue of La Voz, a call to attention, but also of hope, like this 2022 that is leaving us.

Happy holidays to all and we will meet again in February 2023!

Mariel Fiori
Managing Editor

*Translated into English by Karen Ruiz León
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La Voz, Cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle de Hudson



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