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Suplemento Educativo

Talking to the school guidance counselor/ Conversando con el orientador escolar

Discussing your courses./ Discutiendo tus cursos.

Por Kate Grim-Feinberg
February 2010

Mr. Torres: How are you doing in your Spanish class?             
[¿Cómo te va en tu clase de español?]

Bryan: I’m getting an A+. It’s really easy.                                       
[Estoy sacando una “A+”. Es bastante fácil.]

Mr. Torres: And how about chemistry?                                          
[Y, ¿qué tal la química?]

Bryan: It’s too much work. I’m not doing so well.                       
[Es demasiado trabajo. No me va tan bien.]


1. Review the vocabulary below./ Repase el vocabulario de abajo.

Grades/Notas                 Descriptions/Descripciones                                                             

an A              “en EI”                                          

easy               “I-si”                                                     [fácil]

a B                “a BI”                                                   
hard               “JARD”                                          [difícil]

a C                  “a SI”                                                    
boring            “BO-ring”                                       [aburrido]

a D                     “a DI”                                                   
interesting         “IN-tres-ting”                                    [interesante]

an F              “en EF”                                                      
fun                        “FAN”                                       [entretenido]

+ (plus)                “PLAS”                           
 challenging            “CHEL-en-ching”                             [exigente]

- (minus)             “MAI-nas”                                 
time-consuming          “TAIM Kan-SU-ming”      
[que consume mucho tiempo]

 Too…/ Demasiado…                  I’m doing…/ Me va…

slow                      “SLO”                    [lento]          
I’m not doing so well     “Aim NAT DU-ing so WEL”         [No me va tan bien.]

fast                        “FEST”                 [rápido]              
I’m doing fine                    “Aim DU-ing FAIN”                        [Me va bien.]

much work        “mach WURK” [trabajo]           
   I’m doing alright          “Aim DU-ing al-RAIT”              [Me va más o menos.]

 Classes/ Clases*

Spanish                “SPEN-ich”        [español]                            
writing                 “RAI-ting”           [escritura]

chemistry           “KEM-is-tri”      [química]                          
  painting               “PEIN-ting”       [pintura]

calculus               “KEL-kiu-las”    [cálculo]                             
acting                   “EC-ting”             [actuación/teatro]

history                 “HIS-tri”              [historia]                           
  algebra                 “EL-lle-bra”       [álgebra]

 2. Practice the dialogue./ Practique el diálogo.

Mr. Torres: How are you doing in your ________ class?            
      “JAO ar iu DU-ing in iur … kles?”

Bryan: I’m getting ______. It’s really ________.                                   
    “Aim GET-ting …. Its RIY-li ….”

Mr. Torres: And how about ____________?                                          
   “End JAO a-BAOT …?”

Bryan: It’s too _______________. I’m _________________.                       “Its TUU …. Aim….”

 *See last issue for more classes./ Vea el suplemento del número previo para más clases

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La Voz, Cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle de Hudson



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