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Buen Gusto

Milonga for La Voz

Tango Away with Guillermina Quiroga and Mariano Logiudice, on May 18th!

Por Inés Chapela
May 2019
Tango is a dance for the body and for the soul. Yes, according to the award-winning tango dancer, Guillermina Quiroga, who comes to Bard on the 18th of May to celebrate La Voz’s 15th birthday, “the tango embrace cures”.
Guillermina Quiroga’s career started in July of 1988 in her city of birth, La Plata, Argentina. Tango called her attention from an early age when she saw it on TV, and after taking one class she never stopped dancing -- she would later go on to perform in front of audiences around the world, on TV and in films. These days Quiroga praises tango above all else for its power in connecting people. Quiroga says, “tango is marvelous, for me it’s a form of expression, which allows me to channel emotions and share them with the person I’m dancing with in that moment, it is a give and take with the other person; tango is a very rich dance, of deep passion and of human connection”.

Human connection is what brought Quiroga to find her dance partner, Mariano Logiudice, who will accompany her to the Hudson Valley mid month for their performance at Bard College. The pair met more than seven years ago in a Rock and Roll class in Buenos Aires. At the time, Mariano was just learning tango and he asked Guillermina for lessons. That moment marked the beginning of their collaboration in tango, and they continue dancing together till this day. On May 18th Quiroga and Logiudice will come to the Hudson Valley to give a series of Master Classes followed by a performance that same evening.
The idea of bringing tango to the Hudson Valley is exciting for Guillermina Quiroga, who explains the many virtues of tango. From an emotional perspective, Quiroga explains that tango is “a dance that joins people, through tango’s embrace people are connected to one another… tango’s embrace cures”. And beyond the sensual, tango can also have medical effects, explains Guillermina. “Movement has many benefits, and so does coordination -- coordination between the brain and different parts of the body, as well as coordination between the body and the music. Dancing tango is recommended for a number of illnesses, it's very therapeutic for Parkinson's Disease, and other physical and psychiatric illnesses”. Quiroga is excited that the Hudson Valley will be able to benefit from this tango event, both for what the dance brings physically and what it provides spiritually.
In addition to Quiroga’s Master Classes and performance, we have a cast of special guests to ensure that everyone will be able to enjoy the event - beginners and advanced tango dancers alike! Quiroga will give two Master Classes in the morning which will be followed by a reception to celebrate 15 years of quality Spanish language content from La Voz. Come and enjoy finger food and listen to live music by Eduardo Parra at 6:30pm in the Campus Center at Bard College. We will also be selling delicious Chilean-style empanadas and have non alcoholic beverages. This intermission will be followed by a beginners lesson, taught by Chingun Goodstein, professor of tango in the Engaged Liberal Arts and Sciences program at Bard College. Students from her tango class as well as members from the student run Bard Tango Club will be present to dance and to celebrate!


Join us Saturday May 18th for a day of Tango. Master classes for advanced dancers will take place at 11am and 2pm in the Bard College Campus Center and will have a cost of $40 per class.

That same afternoon, starting at 6:30pm there will be a reception including live music by Eduardo Parra, light finger food, and authentic empanadas for sale. The beginner class will start at 7pm, followed by the milonga (dance party) and a performance by Guillermina Quiroga and Mariano Logiudice at 10pm.

Tickets for all the events can be found online here. Questions? Please call 845-752-4739.
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La Voz, Cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle de Hudson



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