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Suplemento educativo

At the Eye Doctor’s Office/ En el consultorio del oculista: Part I

Taking an eye exam/ Tomando un exámen ocular

October 2008

Dr. Fisher:            So, (1)Daniel, are you having any dryness,             [Entonces, Daniel, ¿tienes sequedad,

swelling, or redness in your eyes?                                             inflamación o rojos los ojos?]

Daniel:                 Yes, (2)dryness.                                                                 [Sí, sequedad.]

Dr. Fisher:            Okay, let’s take a look….                                                                [Bueno, vamos a ver….]

                                Is this blurry or clear?                                                    [¿Esto está borroso o nítido?]
Daniel:                  (3)Clear.                                                                               [Nítido.]
Dr. Fisher:            Okay. Read the bottom line on this chart.                              [Bueno. Lee la última línea de esta tabla.]

Daniel:                  (4)A H Z R T S.                                                                   [A H Z R T S.]

Dr. Fisher:            Excellent!                                                                             [¡Excelente!]

Dr. Fisher:            So, (1)             , are you having any dryness,             “So… ar iu JEving eni DRAInes,

swelling, or redness in your eyes?                                             SWEling, or REDnes in iur AIS?”

Daniel:                  Yes, (2)                .                                                                 “Ies…”

Dr. Fisher:            Okay, let’s take a look….                                                                “Okei, let teik a LUK…

                                Is this blurry or clear?                                                    Is this BLUry or CLIR?”

Daniel:                  (3)                 .                                                                         …

Dr. Fisher:            Okay. Read the bottom line on this chart.                              “Okei. Rid tha BAtam lain an this chart.”

Daniel:                  (4)                  .                                                                        …
Dr. Fisher:            Excellent!                                                                             “EXcelent!”
Fill in the dialogue with the following words./ Complete el diálogo con las siguientes palabras.

(1) Say the name of the patient./ Diga el nombre del paciente.


(2) Choose the problem you are having./ Elija el problema que tiene.

dryness                                “DRAInes”          sequedad
swelling                               “SWEling”           inflamación

redness                 “REDnes”             rojos los ojos

(3) Choose the appropriate word./ Elija la palabra apropiada.
Blurry                   “BLUri”                                borroso
Clear                     “clir”                     nítido
(4) Choose any six letters./ Elija seis letras.
A             “ei”                        H             “eich”                    O             “o”                         V             “vi”
B             “bi”                        I               “ai”                        P             “pi”                        W           “DAbuliu”
C             “si”                        J               “llei”                      Q             “kiu”                     X             “ex”
D             “di”                        K             “quei”                   R             “ar”                       Y             “uai”
E              “i"                           L             “el”                        S              “es”                        Z             “zi”
F              “ef”                        M            “em”                      T             “ti”
G             “lli”                        N            “en”                       U             “iu”

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