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Suplemento Educativo

At the Bank/ En el banco: Part II

Making a transaction/ Haciendo un trĂ¡mite

September 2008

Isabel:   Next, please….  Hi.  How can I help you?                 [Próximo…. Hola. ¿Cómo le puedo ayudar?]

John:      Hi. I would like to (1)make a deposit.                       [Hola. Quisiera depositar dinero.]

Isabel:   Can I see your (2)account number, please?             [¿Puedo ver su número de cuenta, por favor?]

John:      Yes….                                                                                   [Sí.]

Isabel:   Which account would you like to (3)deposit to?   [¿A cuál cuenta va a depositar?]

John:      My (4)savings account.                                                  [A mi cuenta de ahorros.]
Isabel:   And how much?                                                                               [Y ¿cuánto?]

John:      (5)Seven hundred fifty dollars.                                    [Setecientos cincuenta dólares.]

Isabel:   … Anything else?                                                                             […¿Algo más?]

John:      I would also like to (6)make a withdrawal.                            [También quisiera sacar dinero.]

Isabel:   How much?                                                                        [¿Cuánto?]

John:      (7)Three hundred dollars.                                             [Trescientos dólares.]

Isabel:   And how would you like that?                                    [Y ¿cómo los quiere?]

John:      In (8)a bank check, please.                                             [En un cheque bancario, por favor.]

Isabel:   …Here you go. And here’s your receipt and           […Aquí tiene. Y aquí está su recibo y su saldo.]

remaining balance.

Isabel:   Next, please…. Hi. How can I help you?                
John:      Hi. I would like to (1)_______________.                 
Isabel:   Can I see your (2)                                , please?             
John:      Yes….                                                                                  
Isabel:   Which account would you like to (3)              ?        
John:      My (4)                   account.                                                               
Isabel:   And how much?                                                                              
John:      (5)_________________ dollars.                                  
Isabel:   … Anything else?                                                                            
John:      I would also like to (6)_____________________.                  
Isabel:   How much?                                                                       

John:      (7)________________________ dollars.                                  

Isabel:   And how would you like that?                                   
John:      In (8)______________, please.                                     
Isabel:   …Here you go. And here’s your receipt and         

remaining balance.


Fill in the dialogue with the following words. / Complete el diálogo con las siguientes palabras.


(1) make a deposit            “meik a diPAsit”                               depositar fondos

transfer funds                    “TRENSfer fands”                            transferir fondos

(2) account number         “aCAONT NAMber”                       número de cuenta

ID                                            “ai di”                                                   cédula de identificación

(3) deposit to                      “diPAsit tu”                                       depositar a
transfer from… and to   “TRENSfer fram… end tu”            transferir desde… y a”

(4) savings                           “SEIvings”                                           de ahorro

checking                               “CHEking”                                          corriente

this account*                      “THIS acaont”                                    esta cuenta

*(Indique el número de cuenta; el nombre del titular de la cuenta si no es Ud.; y el nombre y número de identificación del banco “routing number”, si no es el mismo donde Ud. está haciendo el trámite.)


(5) and (7) Say the amount of money./ Diga la cantidad de dinero.

(6) make a withdrawal   “meik a withDRAwal”   retirar fondos
cash this check                  “KESH this CHEK”           cambiar este cheque para efectivo
(8) a bank check                 “a BENK chek”                   un cheque del banco

fives                                       “faifs”                                   billetes de cinco dólares

tens                                        “tens”                                   billetes de diez dólares

twenties                               “TUENtis”                           billetes de veinte dólares

fifties                                     “FIFtis”                                 billetes de cincuenta dólares

hundreds                             “JANdreds”                        billetes de cien dólares

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