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Suplemento educativo

At the Department of Motor Vehicles./ En el Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados.

July 2007

Magdalena:           I need to (1)get (2)a driver’s license, please.

Suzanne:               I need to see your (3)state ID, (4)social security card, and (5)vehicle insurance card.

Magdalena:           Is my (6)passport okay?

Suzanne:               Yes, that will be fine. 

Magdalena:           Here you go.

Suzanne:               Thank you… I also need proof of your address.

Magdalena:           Here is (7)a recent utility bill.

Suzanne:               Thank you.


Magdalena:           I need to (1)___ (2)_________, please.         “Ai níd tu… plis.”

Suzanne:               I need to see your (3)__, (4)__, and (5)___“Ai níd tesí yur… end…”

Magdalena:           Is my (6)__________ okay?                             “Is mai… okei?”

Suzanne:               Yes, that will be fine.                                           “ies, dátwilbi fain.” [Sí, está bien.]

Magdalena:           Here you go.                                                         “Jir yugó.” [Aquí tiene.]

Suzanne:               Thank you. I also need proof of your address. “Thenkiu… Ai also nid pruf afyur adrés.”

Magdalena:           Here is (7)_____________.                             “Jíris…”

Suzanne:               Thank you.                                                            “Thenkiu.”
Follow the directions to fill in the dialogue./
Siga las siguientes instrucciones para completar el diálogo.

(1) Choose what you need to do./ Elija lo que Ud. necesita hacer.

get                          “git”         obtener/ conseguir

renew                     “rinú”      renovar

(2) Choose which document you need to get or renew./ Elija el documento que necesita obtener o renovar.

a driver’s license                 “adraívers laísens”              una licencia de conducir
a vehicle registration          “avíacol rellistreíchan”        un registro de mi vehículo
license plates                      “laísens pleits”                      patentes

a license plate sticker        “alaísens pleit stíker”          un adhesivo para la patente (con fecha de vencimiento)


(3)-(5) List three documents that you need to see./ Diga tres documentos que Ud. necesita ver.

state ID                                                  “steit aidí”                                              cédula del estado

social security card                             “sóchal sekiúriti card”                         cédula o tarjeta de seguridad social

passport                                                                “pésport”                                                pasaporte

student ID                                             “stúdent aidí”                                        cédula de estudiante

credit card                                             “crédit card”                                          tarjeta de crédito

driver’s license                                    “draívers laísens”                                 licencia de conducir

foreign driver’s license                       “fórin draívers laísens”                        licencia de conducir extranjera

international driver’s license             “internáchanol “draívers laísens       licencia de conducir internacional

vehicle insurance card                       “víacol inchúrens card”                       tarjeta de seguro del vehículo

vehicle registration                              “víacol rellistreíchan”                          registro del vehículo


(6) Choose a different document from the list above that you want to use./

Elija otro documento de la lista de arriba que Ud. quiere usar.


(7) Choose the proof of address you have./ Elija la evidencia de su dirección que tiene.

a recent utility bill                                 “arícent yutílity bil”               una cuenta reciente de servicios domésticos (ej. agua)

my current lease                                  “mai cúrent lis”                                     mi contrato de casa actual

my voter registration card                  “mai vóter rellistreíchan card”           mi tarjeta de registro para votar

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La Voz, Cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle de Hudson



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