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Suplemento educativo

Suplemento educativo

Por Kate Grim-Feinberg
December 2009

Talking to the school guidance counselor/ Conversando con el consejero escolar

Registering for courses/ Matriculándose para los cursos

 Bryan: Which math course do I need to take next year?            
[¿Cuál curso de matemática necesito tomar el próximo año?]

Mr. Torres: You need calculus.                                                   
[Necesitas cálculo.]

Bryan: Which calculus class should I take?                             
[¿Cuál curso de cálculo debo tomar?]

Mr. Torres: I recommend Advanced Calculus for you.         
[Yo recomiendo Cálculo Avanzado para ti.]

1. Review the vocabulary below./ Repase el vocabulario de abajo.

Level/ Nivel

A.P.   "EI PI"                [avanzado, para crédito universitario]
dvanced   "Ed-VENST"         [avanzado]
College Prep  "Ka-lech PREP"    [preparatorio para la universidad]
General   "LLEN-e-ral"        [general]
Remedial   "ri-MIY-di-al"     [de refuerzo o recuperación]


math   "meth"           [matemática]
English     "IN-glish"    [inglés]
foreign language  "fo-rin LEN-guich" [idioma extranjero]
art      "art"       [arte]
social studies    "SO-shal sta-dis"  [ciencias sociales]
science   "SAI-ens"   [ciencia]

Specific Courses/Cursos específicos

calculus "KEL-kiu-las" [cálculo]
English literature "IN-glish LIT-ra-chur" [literatura inglesa]
algebra "EL-lle-bra" [álgebra]
American literature "A-MER-i-ken LIT-ra-chu [literatura norteamericana]
geometry "Lli-AM-e-tri" [geometría]
writing "RAI-ting" [escritura]
Spanish "SPEN-ich" [español]
acting "EC-ting" [actuación/teatro]
French "FRENCH" [francés]
music "MIU-sic" [música]
German "LLUR-men" [alemán]
dance "dans" [danza]
Latin "LA-tin" [latín]
painting "PEIN-ting" [pintura]
Japanese "llep-e-NIS" [japonés]
drawing "DRA-ing" [dibujo]
Chinese "chai-NIS" [chino]
creative writing "cri-EI-tif RAI-ting" [ escritura creativa]
Italian "i-TAL-ian" [italiano]
carpentry "KAR-pen-tri" [carpintería]
chemistry "KEM-is-tri" [química]
U.S. history "IU ES HIS-tri" [historia de Estados Unidos]
physics "FI-sics" [física]
world history "WARLD HIS-tri" [historia mundial]
biology "bai-AL-a-lli" [biología]
world geography "WARLD lli-AG-ra-fi" [geografía mundial]

 2. Practice the dialogue./ Practique el diálogo.

Bryan: Which ______________ course do I need to take next year?
"Uich … kors du ai NID tu TEIK next YIR?

Mr. Torres: You need __________________.
"Iu nid …."

Bryan: Which ________________ class should I take?
"Uich … kles SHUD ai TEIK?"

Mr. Torres: I recommend ________________ _____________ for you.
"Ai RE-ka-MEND … … for iu."


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La Voz, Cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle de Hudson



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