Cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle del Hudson

Latino Pride
Por Mariel Fiori
June 2018 It is said that Latinos are very proud, and that this pride can yield outcomes which, at least here in this editorial, are better left unsaid. Sometimes we lose opportunities by letting our egos get in the way of patience, calm, and common sense. When I write the word ‘pride’ however, I mean in in the positive sense, the sense of taking satisfaction in the achievements and capacities of our Latino community (and not in a negative sense of arrogance or vanity).
In a political moment like the present, as mass media seems to follow the games of our government’s talented illusionists, it is important to remain calm and reflect. The game they play, more or less, is this: with one hand they do or say outrageous nonsensical things worth sharing thousands upon thousands of time, with your friends, neighbors, and relatives. Naturally, it creates controversy, everyone talks, everyone has opinions, and it generates a wave of angry people (at least on social media, voting day is another story).
The illusionists’ other hand, meanwhile, as if by magic, continues to accumulate money for this minority, already substantially wealthy but insatiable for unnecessary, dangerous amounts of money. We see how they keep trying to underestimate us in order to gain who-knows-what with the other hand, which we are not watching (the hand which only specialized investigative journalists observe). In reality, what they want is to distract us, to cover our eyes with glasses tinted with sadness, fear, and desperation.
What can be done? A video which discussed how to resist authoritarianism suggested peaceful protest as one option. It also recommended to donate to organizations such as the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) or participate in groups such as These are certainly two good options. I venture to add to this list to stay informed (through reliable sources) and educate ourselves in all ways possible, so that no one can underestimate us. As one columnist, our colleague María Cecilia Deferrari, has already said: information catalyzes transformation.
And so, in the pages of La Voz, we have managed not to stray (because we are here to stay) from our vision as a publication: to be a source of inspiration among out readers. This month, we bring you a magazine dripping in Latino pride. In the American Dream section, we present you with an interview by the young man Gabriel González, of another young man, the clarinetist Elías Rodríguez, a Texas-born Mexican who loves music.
The Spanish teacher, children’s book illustrator, translator, and writer for La Voz’s games section, María Cristina Brusca, interviewed Brittany Reyes, the young winner of the Spanish Spelling Bee in Poughkeepsie. Another inspirational person, and a good example of the importance of education, is Lorraine López-Janove, Chief Diversity Officer for three universities in our area, profiled by the journalist Antonio Flores-Lobos. María Cecilia Deferrari also reviews a book about the defense of public schools, in which so many transformations begin.
In the interest of staying informed, we also present you with the perspectives and campaign promises of the seven Democratic pre-candidates who want to replace Republican John Faso as the New York District 19 United States Congressman. Thanks to the Bard student and La Voz contributor Getzamany Correa, who transcribed the interviews in which the pre-candidates spoke about the role of Latinxs in their platforms, and how they plan to improve relationships between the police and minority communities. Meanwhile, Estela González Torres dedicates the English educational supplement to navigating the inconvenient, but possible, interactions with immigration police.
In this June issue of La Voz there is much more than education and politics. Hugo Jule, in the environmental column, teaches us about the production of energy in our region; Tamara Gruzsko invites us to travel in a hot air balloon with Aunt Cata; the holistic psychologist Dora Inés Grosso García offers more advice on raising children ages 7 to 12 in an environment of love and security (for younger children, see the previous issues of the magazine).
Maybe after reading all this, you too will feel a well-deserved sense of Latino pride, for the content of this magazine, and for everything that our community contributes each day. If traditional news media is not interested in us, we don’t have to worry, we already know the game. Here, we keep working to bring you good information.
Welcome summer, and welcome to the La Voz June issue!
Mariel Fiori
Managing Editor COPYRIGHT 2018
La Voz, Cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle de Hudson
The illusionists’ other hand, meanwhile, as if by magic, continues to accumulate money for this minority, already substantially wealthy but insatiable for unnecessary, dangerous amounts of money. We see how they keep trying to underestimate us in order to gain who-knows-what with the other hand, which we are not watching (the hand which only specialized investigative journalists observe). In reality, what they want is to distract us, to cover our eyes with glasses tinted with sadness, fear, and desperation.
What can be done? A video which discussed how to resist authoritarianism suggested peaceful protest as one option. It also recommended to donate to organizations such as the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) or participate in groups such as These are certainly two good options. I venture to add to this list to stay informed (through reliable sources) and educate ourselves in all ways possible, so that no one can underestimate us. As one columnist, our colleague María Cecilia Deferrari, has already said: information catalyzes transformation.
And so, in the pages of La Voz, we have managed not to stray (because we are here to stay) from our vision as a publication: to be a source of inspiration among out readers. This month, we bring you a magazine dripping in Latino pride. In the American Dream section, we present you with an interview by the young man Gabriel González, of another young man, the clarinetist Elías Rodríguez, a Texas-born Mexican who loves music.
The Spanish teacher, children’s book illustrator, translator, and writer for La Voz’s games section, María Cristina Brusca, interviewed Brittany Reyes, the young winner of the Spanish Spelling Bee in Poughkeepsie. Another inspirational person, and a good example of the importance of education, is Lorraine López-Janove, Chief Diversity Officer for three universities in our area, profiled by the journalist Antonio Flores-Lobos. María Cecilia Deferrari also reviews a book about the defense of public schools, in which so many transformations begin.
In the interest of staying informed, we also present you with the perspectives and campaign promises of the seven Democratic pre-candidates who want to replace Republican John Faso as the New York District 19 United States Congressman. Thanks to the Bard student and La Voz contributor Getzamany Correa, who transcribed the interviews in which the pre-candidates spoke about the role of Latinxs in their platforms, and how they plan to improve relationships between the police and minority communities. Meanwhile, Estela González Torres dedicates the English educational supplement to navigating the inconvenient, but possible, interactions with immigration police.
In this June issue of La Voz there is much more than education and politics. Hugo Jule, in the environmental column, teaches us about the production of energy in our region; Tamara Gruzsko invites us to travel in a hot air balloon with Aunt Cata; the holistic psychologist Dora Inés Grosso García offers more advice on raising children ages 7 to 12 in an environment of love and security (for younger children, see the previous issues of the magazine).
Maybe after reading all this, you too will feel a well-deserved sense of Latino pride, for the content of this magazine, and for everything that our community contributes each day. If traditional news media is not interested in us, we don’t have to worry, we already know the game. Here, we keep working to bring you good information.
Welcome summer, and welcome to the La Voz June issue!
Mariel Fiori
Managing Editor COPYRIGHT 2018
La Voz, Cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle de Hudson
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