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Suplemento educativo

How to Make Bookings / Cómo hacer reservas

Por Estela González Torres
December 2016
Hoy le ayudamos con las reservas de vuelos, hoteles, entradas de cine u obras de teatro (ballet, ópera, etc.) y en restaurantes que tenga pendiente. Cuando realice estas reservas por teléfono, correo o en persona, siga los siguientes pasos:
1.      Comience su discurso saludando y explicando qué necesita:
·         Hello // Hi // Good morning / afternoon / evening
·         I’d like to…     
                        book a flight (from New York City to Miami on Thursday 22 December)
                        book a single / double room (for two nights from Friday 16 to Sunday 18 December)
                        book seats (for next Wednesday for "Wicked")
                        book a table (for four at 9 pm tomorrow night)
En el caso de room, table or seats, también puede decir "make a reservation" or "reserve" en lugar de "book".
Aquí tiene algunos consejos (tips) para que no se le olvide la información esencial:
.                      How many people.
.                      What day(s) or time.
.                      How many nights (at a hotel).
.                      Where you want to sit on the plane (economy, business or first class; window, aisle, middle, emergency exit).
.                      What type of hotel room you are looking for (single, double, twin, triple, suite; ensuite).
.                      What theatre seats you need (orchestra; box and parterre; balcony or mezzanine; gallery; thrust, arena and black box).

2.      A continuación, en caso de tratarse de una conversación telefónica o en persona le pedirán sus datos. Si hace la reserva por escrito, limítese a detallarlos después de haber solicitado el servicio.  
También es posible que el interlocutor necesite verificar algunos datos o consultarle algo.
·         How many people is the booking for?
It’s for two people.
·         How would you like to pay?
Can I pay by credit card?
·         Can you spell your surname for me, please?
Yes, it’s D – Í – A – Z.
·         Could you give me your credit card number and expiry date?
Yes, it’s...
·         What time do you want to leave / arrive / check-out?
I’d like to arrive in Miami by 5 pm. / I’d like to check-out after breakfast.
3.      Y también puede ser usted quien necesite preguntar o verificar algún dato:
·         Is there a booking fee?
·         Does this price include all taxes?
·         Could you confirm my booking?
·         Do you have any vacancies?
·         What time do I need to check in / do I have to check out?
·         Is breakfast included?
·         How much is the baggage allowance?
Ahora lea el siguiente diálogo y complete los espacios en blanco teniendo en cuenta la información ya trabajada:
Restaurant: This is Tower Restaurant. How can I help you?
Ms. Díaz: Hello, I ____________________________­­­­­ a reservation.
R: Of course, when will you be joining us?
M. D.: Next Tuesday night.
R: Alright, let me please check... What ______________ would you like to have dinner?
M. D.: 8:30 pm should be fine.
R: No problem. How many ______________ ?
M. D.: A ______________ for four, please.
R: That’s right. Would you prefer inside or outside dining?
M. D.: Inside, if possible. But could we get a table by a window?
R: Of course, Madam. Could I have your ______________, please?
M. D.: Yes, my last name is Díaz.
R: Ok, Ms. Díaz. We will be expecting you next Tuesday at 8:30 pm.
M. D.: Great! Thank you.

Answer Key: ’d like to make / would like to make; time; people / guests; table; name / last name.

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