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Suplemento educativo

How to Ask for a Pay Rise / Cómo pedir un aumento

Por Estela González Torres
October 2016
Aquí le ofrecemos consejos para pedir un aumento de sueldo (a pay rise). En primer lugar, tiene que estar seguro de que su empresa está en posibilidades de poder pagarle más. Además, debe poder justificar su petición explicando lo importante que es su labor dentro de la compañía. Anote las razones por las que merece una subida salarial: tenga presente sus responsabilidades, tareas, datos sobre su desempeño y eficacia, los objetivos empresariales que logró, las ganancias y ahorros que generó para el negocio, así como los clientes que atrajo.
                     Why do I deserve extra pay?
            ✓ My responsibilities, duties & tasks
            ✓ Facts and figures about my performance and efficiency
            ✓ Objectives I achieved
            ✓ Profits and savings I made
            ✓ New customers I brought in
La clave está en asociar su petición con su labor y desempeño, y no con la necesidad de ganar más dinero. Si cree que su jefe o Recursos Humanos no podrán aumentarle el sueldo; piense en otras opciones como un extra o prima, más vacaciones, un horario flexible, cursos de formación o de otro tipo, una maestría, cobertura médica, financiación de la educación de sus hijos, etc.

How much more? If a pay rise isn’t possible...

what could I ask for? ---> Possible perks: A bonus? Extra holiday? Flexible working? Training, a specific course or Masters I want to do? Health or child care?

Averigüe, también, cómo está el mercado, o sea, cuánto cobra alguien con su puesto de trabajo en otras empresas consultando ofertas laborales o encuestas salariales.

Una vez tenga claros todos los puntos a su favor y haya practicado cómo plantearlos, solicite reunirse con su jefe o RRHH. Es mejor hacerlo por escrito para que quede constancia. Durante la reunión, muéstrese profesional, objetivo y positivo, esfuércese en señalar sus destrezas y logros laborales por medio de cifras y datos, sin necesidad de presumir. No olvide cerciorarse de que la decisión que se tome durante la reunión quede por escrito.

Aquí le dejamos unas frases que puede utilizar durante la entrevista: 
  • To highlight your contributions: 
I believe that I’ve made good progress here. I really feel that I’ve grown in the job becoming an asset to the company.

I’ve made serious contributions and taken on more responsibilities. I have also completed several key projects, achieved my budget goals and increased profits by X%.

I just think that it’s a good time to recognize and reward my efforts.
  • To ask for a specific amount:
I think that X% on top of the usual annual rise with inflation isn’t too much to ask.
I’m looking for an increase of X%.
This figure reflects the savings and extra profit I have generated for the company as well as the new customers I have brought in.
  • If necessary, talk about what other people in your job are paid:
I believe this increase would be appropriate since it is in line with current pay levels for someone in my position in the industry.

I’ve been researching current market conditions and someone in my position earns around X.
  • If your boss or manager says no:
I understand that finances are difficult at the moment. However, could we perhaps discuss non-salary perks?

What could I do over the next months / year to be considered for a pay rise?

What would I need to do to become eligible for this increase?

Here is an activity to practice an email you could send to your boss or the Human Resources team to meet and discuss your salary. Please fill in the blanks with a word or group of words from the box:

Dear Mr. / Mrs. XX,

Would it be possible to ____________ a time to go through my ____________? I would ____________ the chance to discuss a ____________ review.

Please, could you let me know when would be a ____________ time for you?

Thanks ____________.

                        (Your name)
appreciate         compensation       convenient          in advance    performance             set up        sincerely
Text Box: appreciate		compensation		convenient		in advance 	performance			set up 		sincerely 

Answer Key: set up; compensation; appreciate; performance; convenient; in advance; Sincerely.

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