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Suplemento educativo

Civics (history and government) questions for the naturalization test - part 2 / Preguntas de educación cívica (historia y gobierno) del

Por Estela González Torres
May 2015
Recuerde que el examen de educación cívica es oral e incluirá diez de las cien preguntas de educación cívica. Para aprobar, tendrá que contestar bien un mínimo de seis preguntas, siempre acompañadas del nombre del oficial de USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) que lo entreviste. En esta segunda entrega, presentamos las doce primeras preguntas del segundo subtema dentro del sistema de gobierno estadounidense. Si tiene 65 años o más y es residente legal permanente de EE.UU. desde hace 20 años o más, solo necesitará estudiar las preguntas marcadas con un asterisco (*). 


B: System of Government

13.    Name one branch or part of the government.*





the courts


The Constitution establishes three branches of government: legislative (Congress), executive (President), and judicial (The Courts).

14.    What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

checks and balances

separation of powers

The separation of powers into three branches creates a system of checks and balances to prevent one branch of government from becoming too powerful.  

15.    Who is in charge of the executive branch?

the President

The head of the executive branch is the president. The president is both the head of state and the head of government.

16.    Who makes federal laws?


Senate and House (of Representatives)

(U.S. or national) legislature

Congress makes federal laws. Either side of Congress—the Senate or the House of Representatives—can propose a bill.

17.    What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?*

the Senate and House (of Representatives)

Congress is divided into two parts—the Senate and the House of Representatives. Because it has two “chambers,” the U.S. Congress is known as a “bicameral” legislature.

18.    How many U.S. Senators are there?

one hundred (100)

There are 100 senators in Congress, two from each state. All states have equal power in the Senate.

19.    We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?

six (6)

U.S. senators are elected for 6 years.

20.    Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators now?*

Kirsten Gillibrand

Chuck Schumer

21.    The House of Representatives has how many voting members?

four hundred thirty-five (435)

The House of Representatives is the larger chamber of Congress. Since 1912, the House of Representatives has had 435 voting members.

22.    We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?

two (2)

All representatives are up for election every 2 years.

23.    Name your U.S. Representative.

Answers will vary. Find your representative (just enter your ZIP code) at

24.    Who does a U.S. Senator represent?

all people of the state

Senators are elected to serve the people of their state for six years.


Vocabulario útil

bicameral         [baikemeral]    bicameral (legislatura con dos cámaras)

branch/es         [bránch/es]      rama/s

chambers         [cheimbers]     cámaras

checks and balances    [checs an bálanses]     equilibrio de poderes

elected             [ílectid]            electo, elegido

election            [ilékchion]       elección

establish          [estáblish]        fundar, crear; establecer

executive         [exsécutiv]       ejecutivo

head                [jéd]                 cabeza, jefe

House of Representatives       [jáus of represéntativs]            Cámara de Representantes

judicial            [yúdishal]        judicial

law                  [lóo]                 ley

legislative        [léyislativ]        legislativo (elaboración de leyes)

powers             [págüers]         poderes

prevent            [prívent]           evitar, impedir

the courts        [da córts]         las cortes (tribunales)

voting members [vóurin mémbers] miembros votantes


For more study materials and information, please visit

GRATIS. Clases de preparación para el examen de ciudanía en Newburgh

1) Newburgh Armory Unity Center, 321 S. William St., Newburgh

Martes de 6 a 8pm, del 5 de mayo al 30 de junio

Llame al 845-565-4812 para inscribirse.


2) Para estudiantes de inglés de Orange-Ulster BOCES

Las clases de inglés también son gratuitas y hay muchos lugares donde tomarlas

Viernes, de 10 a 11:30 am en 39 West St, Newburgh

Llame al 845-562-4736 o al 845-304-7442 para más información o para inscribirse.

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